The Problem

Do I have a case?

The Process

How does the process work?

The Solution

How can we get you the best settlement?

Personal Injury Attorneys

William Reinig



Levi Barber


Говорю на русском

Nathan Henry


Parlo italiano

Lowell Barber



Judy L.

Legal Assistant

Hablo español


Joshua K.

Legal Assistant

Розмовляю українською

Tell us about your case.

Tell us a little bit about your injury case and we’ll reply to your message or call you. Our typical response time is within one business day. Consider calling us during business hours for more urgent cases and timely responses.  


5 + 12 =

Reinig Barber & Henry Law Office

114-A Vista Way
Kennewick, WA 99336

We are located on the second floor. Please call if you wish to use the external lift.